
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Resource Spotlight: Safe Sleep Practices

Safe Sleep Practices


An article found at healthychildren.org from the American Academy of Pediatrics names the "2 Most Important Things To Remember About Safe Sleep Practices"

1. Healthy babies are safest when  sleeping on their backs  at  nighttime and during naps. Side sleeping is not as safe as back sleeping and is not advised.

   2. Tummy time is for babies who are awake and being watched. Your baby needs this to develop strong muscles. 

Remember ....Back to Sleep. Tummy to Play.

To learn simple baby sleep solutions go here

1 comment:

  1. Are you making these 3 mistakes when putting your baby to rest? [STOP!]

    Dear Reader,

    When was the last time your baby slept through the night... or fell asleep when you needed him to?

    Maybe you’ve tried all kinds of “tricks” and gimmicks just to have your little one wake you up 5 times a night.

    Then you'll definitely want to hear this...

    Scientists from the Stanford Sleep Lab recently released an eye-opening report on 3 common mistakes parents make that make it almost impossible for your child to sleep...

    And you're probably guilty of the #1 culprit right now...

    Click here ===> 27-second trick INSTANTLY puts babies to rest and helps them sleep through the night <=== <<<
